IRHM was an initiation by Fr. Ronnie Prabhu of the Jesuit congregation in 1973. The movement was brought forth to foster an understanding of different religions and to create a sense of brother hood beyond religious barriers.
Our vision of IRHM is to spread the communal harmony within our society and to remove extreme religious fanaticism through education, discussion and regular prayer meetings involving all religions.
We organise retreats, live-in programs for deeper sharing and spiritual experiences. Our movement is unique as we invite our fellow brothers and sisters of all religions to discuss and share ideas. We also pray and meditate and reflect together on scriptures. We foster to love each other in brotherhood irrespective of our differences.
You are welcome to join our group regardless of your religious faith. Your only requirement to join us; is to commit to communal harmony. We organise our meetings on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month . Get in touch with us to know further.